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It’s the most terrific time of the year! Not only because the kids are back in school. (Although, that is pretty great.) fall is, by far, my favorite time of year.  I love, love, love the crisp morning and evenings.  Watching the nearby mountains transform from green to gold is incredible.   And do I even have to mention pumpkin?  The only problem is that the cool breeze that I love is the first whisper that wintertime is coming.  Autumn won’t be around forever.   So, how do you make your fall incredible and take advantage of this beautiful time of year?  And how do you do it without breaking the budget? I’ve got some frugal suggestions for activities to make your fall amazing.  

Hit the Backyard.  After a long hot summer, going outside again is refreshing rather than oppressing.  We get back outside after school and on the weekends a lot more often than we did at the height of summer.  This is a great time to finally pull those weeds you’ve been avoiding in the heat or paint that shabby fence. There’s the online booking with Mylawncare Brisbane available too, always at your service.

Πάρτε έναν περίπατο. Chances are no matter where you live there is a trail nearby. Whether it is through a canyon or around a lake, or even a pond, it doesn’t matter. pack up the kids, pack a picnic lunch, (or dinner!) and head out. Many communities list trails on their town’s website, and there are lots of blogs out there with lists of kid friendly trails. In addition to hiking, try packing some paper and crayons and get your kids doing leaf rubbings with the colorful leaves. It’s a great learning experience to see how different each leaf from different trees are.

Ποδοσφαιρικούς αγώνες. chances are your local high school football game admission is a steal. There is something nearly magical about enjoying a game under the bright lights, wrapped up in a blanket and cheering for your hometown. maybe you’ll even catch a look of Tim Riggins. If you and/or your kids are sports lovers, this is a local (read: easy to leave early without feeling bad about lost cash) opportunity to introduce them to a live sporting event. Then, if they can sit through the whole game, you can try graduating to college football next go round.

Find a Pumpkin Patch. This might be my kids favorite fall activity.  We found a local pumpkin patch that has incredibly affordable prices and lots of complimentary activities for the kids.  Oddly enough, their favorite part isn’t the activities, however, it’s walking up and down, row after row of pumpkins and finding the very best one.  We have to plan to be there for a little while for the sake of our indecisive rugrats, but it’s so worth it.  

Λαϊκή αγορά. Take advantage of harvest season. Whether you have a garden or not you can take advantage of all the fresh fruit around this time of year. It’s a great way to introduce your children to new fruits and vegetables. Take your kids and explore your local farmer’s market. let each child pick something new to try, but be sure to take home the old standby’s as well. lots of vendors offer organic produce, but don’t advertise because they can’t afford to get it certified. Just ask around and chances are you’ll find a favorite farm.

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Don’t let this amazing, short, season pass you by without taking advantage. start some new traditions, spend time with your family and make some memories to keep you warm once the snow blows in.  Make your fall amazing!

Link to this post:Five ways to Make Your fall Amazing


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