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If you follow me on Facebook you will swiftly learn that my Catholic faith is very crucial to me and I will do anything for my five special kids. God has blessed me with five children and I don’t remember what life was like without them. But, they are special and their needs are not the same as normal children. I pray each day for them, and for strength and grace to be the best mother I can be.

I didn’t ask to have three children with autism, a daughter with trichotillomania and depression and a kid with ADHD and learning disabilities. But, God made a decision that I could manage these special kids and they needed a special mommy to take care of them. This is my vocation and I take it very seriously. It is also my cross that I will bear for the rest of my life.

As my children get older I am finding myself saying, “Dear Lord, help me,” a lot more often. My 9-year-old is going through a phase ideal now where he doesn’t believe in God and hates going to church. The other day he said,

“Mom, you know that saying ‘Dear Lord, help me,” isn’t going to do anything.”

I replied to my doubting son, “That is not true. I must tell you about my dream.”

Another reason why I am praying a lot more and a lot more is not only do I have to deal with the tantrums that come with autism, the aggressive behavior that comes with ADHD, and a girl with a low self-esteem, my spouse is now suffering from depression and my youngest is having health issues. This is a lot more than I believe I can manage so I have looked to the Lord for help.

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A couple of weeks ago I had a dream. I was in the holy Land during Jesus’ time with the Lord and His Apostles. We were following Him. then all of a sudden we were in modern times. We reached a busy highway and Jesus said that we needed to cross. I got down on my knees before the Lord and started crying. I said, “I can not do this by myself. I need your help, Lord. Σε παρακαλώ βοήθησέ με!”

He picked me up and carried me across the road. I know He is there helping me every step of the way. I turn to Him for help every single day and use my rosary as a weapon against all my fears and anxieties. everything will work out because I depend on in Jesus. I can manage this.

If you are struggling with your own cross to bear give it up to the Lord. ask for His help and place all your worries in His hands. depend on in the Lord and you will survive anything life throws at you.

Jesus said to St. Faustina, “I have opened My Heart as a living fountain of mercy. let all souls draw life from it. let them technique this sea of mercy with terrific depend on (Diary, 1520). On the cross, the fountain of My mercy was opened large by the lance for all souls — no one have I excluded! (1182). I am using people a vessel with which they are to keep coming for graces to the fountain of mercy. That vessel is this image with the signature: “Jesus, I depend on in You” (327). The graces of My mercy are drawn by indicates of one vessel only, and that is — trust. The a lot more a soul trusts, the a lot more it will receive (1578). I am love and Mercy itself. When a soul techniques Me with trust, I fill it with such an abundance of graces that it cannot consist of them within itself, but radiates them to other souls (1074).” Saint Faustina’s diary.

Link to this post:God Doesn’t give us a lot more Than We Can Handle
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